How to Plant Raspberry Canes

With our raspberry canes now in stock, I thought I’d share a few tips on how to plant raspberry canes:

  1. Choose a well drained spot in full sun, weed the ground and construct post and wire fencing support for summer fruiting varieties (autumn varieties don’t need this), avoiding ground that has previously grown raspberries.
  2. The planting depth is important with raspberries and as a rule of thumb, aim for the old soil mark on the stem to be at the same level as the ground after planting. To do this, dig a shallow hole, about 30cm (1ft) wide and 8cm (3in) deep. Add a scattering of Rootgrow in the bottom of the hole to help root establishment.
  3. Spread out the roots and cover with soil, firming as you go.
  4. Plant canes 40cm (16in) apart.
  5. Cut canes down to 30cm (1ft) above the soil, pruning above a bud, and water well.