Bare-Rooted Hedging
Buying bare-rooted hedging plants (that is without compost or pots) is much more cost effective than buying them as potted plants. While container grown plants are available all year round, bare-rooted plants are only available during the dormant season, usually November to February, when they are lifted from the ground with the minimum amount of disturbance to them. Once received plants should be planted as soon as possible to prevent the exposed roots from drying out, or if that’s not possible they can be heeled in to a spare patch of ground ready to be transplanted into their permanent position at a later date.
Some evergreen hedging plants such as hollies and Leylandii are best purchased as potted plants, as they can dry out very quickly without the protection of compost, and so are unlikely to plant out successfully. Deciduous plants suitable for planting as bare-rooted plants include hawthorn, sloes, beech, hazel, wild roses, and hornbeam. A good mix of plants can provide a thriving hedgerow habitat for wildlife fairly quickly after planting.
We do not carry bare-rooted stock at Woodside, so all of your hedging requirements need to be pre-ordered via this list and order form:
Please click here to download it.
How to Plant Bare-Rooted Hedging
In general, I would recommend that bare-rooted hedging plants are planted at a maximum of 3 per metre (about 1ft apart) for a single row. If you are looking for a thicker hedge, then a double staggered row is the way to plant them – this means you need 5 per metre.
To plant, you need to prepare the ground thoroughly; your hedge will be there for a long time and this will be your only opportunity to improve the soil. Clear the site of weeds, and dig over well, removing any weed roots. Use a garden line to dig out a straight trench about 25cm deep and add a good weed-free compost (either your own home-made compost or a bought bagged one such as Rose Tree and Shrub planting compost) and well-rotted manure, and fork into the base of the trench. Return the soil to the trench, adding a good handful per metre of Bonemeal or Growmore.
Separate your bundles of hedging into individual plants, and place in the trench, adding a sprinkle of Rootgow to the base of each plant. Firm down the soil well around the plants, and water them in. You also need to be prepared to water them regularly for the first year during dry spells, just until the roots get established.
If you need any advice on hedging plant selection, just give us a phone on 01835 830315, or visit Woodside and have a chat to us. Any problems opening the link just let me know and I can email you directly, or pick up a paper copy from the plant shop.