More New Plants In Stock
Plant deliveries are now coming in regularly and recent new arrivals include:
Hellebore orientalis Victoria – a beautiful form with deep maroon flowers and creamy yellow stamens which are carried high above the foliage so can clearly be seen. Try planting in one of our Courtyard range of Errington Reay pots for a really spectacular display.
Primula Red Lace – We’ve had “Gold Lace” in many times before (and have got it again this year). Red Lace has slightly larger flowers and they are a reddish maroon colour, tinged with a yellow edge, giving them a really old-fashioned appearance similar to Victorian auriculas, but much easier to grow.
Daphne transatlantica Eternal Fragrance – as the name implies this is a very sweetly scented Daphne with pale pink flowers in spring and summer. It’s not the cheapest of plants, but in the right spot will flower for weeks on end giving excellent value for money compared, for example, with a bunch of cut flowers.
Prunus Okame – a small ornamental cherry tree or large shrub which is one of the earliest of all the cherries to flower. It has lovely pink flowers and is hardy and easy to grow. Our plants have been grown in a shrub form rather than as a single stemmed tree.
Sarcoccocca confusa – one of my all time favourite plants, this is sometimes called “Winter Box” because of it’s box-like leaves. It is a winter flowerer and has masses of tiny very scented flowers which smell strongly of honey. I’ve one of these just near a path in my own garden, and the smell of it on a sunny winters day is just remarkable.
Cotinus “Old Fashioned” – we had this lovely shrub in for the first time last year, and I know some of you were disappointed to find it sold out. It’s back in stock again, and although it doesn’t look like much at the moment (Continus are one of the latest of all shrubs to come into leaf in the spring) it will have lovely pink new growth, which will then turn a bluish-green for the summer, and finally bright pinkish red autumn foliage.
Phlox White Admiral – do you remember the eye-catching thigh-high white plant up near the tearoom last autumn? So may of you asked after it, and I’ve now got some plants ready for sale. It is a really robust bright white Phlox which is easy to grow and gives a wonderful display from late summer and into mid-autumn each year. It’s unusual in that the white is so bright and clear – many white plants can be a bit dull and tinged with pinks or greens, but not this one!