More New Stock Arriving
What a couple of weeks this has been with new spring deliveries arriving every day! This morning (7th March) we have just had a delivery of azalea and rhododendron plants, which are sure to be popular as gardeners look forward to spring. Other plant deliveries last week included Hebes, Hellebores, Ribes (Flowering Currant), Cotinus Grace and Royal Purple, some gorgeous mature Corylopsis pauciflora in flower, some beautiful feature Pines, and some large Wisteria sinensis.
Seed Potatoes
The remaining seed potatoes have been delivered and are selling fast. Fresh stock includes:
Organic Bambino
Main Crop:
Caledonian Rose
Golden Wonder
King Edward
Maris Piper
Pentland Dell
Pink Fir Apple
Organic Sarpo Mira.
If you’d like us to reserve a bag of seed potatoes for you, please give us a call on 01835 830315
Scottish Grown Fruit Bushes
Also selling well are the fruit bushes which arrived last week from our specialist Scottish grower:
Blueberry Brigitta
Blueberry Jersey
Black Currant Ben Connan
Blackcurrant Goliath
Gooseberry Hinnonmaki Green
Gooseberry Invicta
Honeyberry Boreal Beast
Redcurrant Rosetta
Rhubarb Champagne
Rhubarb Glaskins Perpetual
Rhubarb Timperley Early
Rhubarb Victoria
Peat-Free Professional Compost
We are very excited to have taken delivery of some new ranges of compost. Our NEW peat-free professional compost (Bronte Heritage) finally offers non-peat users a really good multi-purpose compost suitable for a wide range of uses, including potting and planting. This compost has been available to professional users for a while in bulk loads, but has now been packaged in retail bags in a manageable 50 litre size. They are £11.99 each, or 2 for £20. We will be using this compost ourselves for all our plant production and growing purposes, and Joanne will be very busy next week potting up our young plants ready for growing on.
We also now stock the Growmoor range of compost, which is a company based in County Tyrone and offers a full range of composts and related products, including Garden Mulch, Farmyard Manure, Growbags, Rose, Tree and Shrub planting compost, Multipurpose compost with added John Innes and a NEW peat-free Ericaceous Compost. And we have also taken delivery of a fresh batch of Dalefoot Wool Compost which is produced in Cumbria using fleece from Herdwick sheep and bracken. We stock most of their range: Potting, Tomato, Vegetable and Salad, Double Strength, Seed and Lakeland Gold (Claybuster). In all we stock around 25 different composts – so there should be something to suit everyone’s needs.
Recycled Metal Birds
And finally, we’ve had a delivery of more of our lovely recycled metal birds and animals, made by Zimbabwean artists to designs developed by a British team in the Coxwolds. These are not the mass produced items you find on-line, but individual handmade and hand painted items, made from recycled oil drums and other waste metal products. Our range includes a selection of British birds, which seems particularly suitable for Woodside.
If you want to receive regular updates about new stock as it arrives, please sign up to our newsletter list below