Time for Tree Planting
Late September and into October is a perfect time for tree planting. The soil is still warm and the ground is beginning to get a little damper in the cooler weather as autumn takes hold.
We have a huge range of fruit trees and ornamental trees available just now – it is probably the best selection in the Border area. To see our full list of varieties ready, just click on this link and it will take you to our list. The list also gives an indication of how many of each variety we have available (as of 20th September).
Please note that we are not a web shop, so this list is for guidance only! To purchase please either visit Woodside or phone us on 01835 830315.
Special highlights on our tree list include:
- Beautiful Crab Apples (Malus)
- A good range of Rowans (Sorbus)
- Flagpole Cherry (Prunus Amanogowa) for small spaces
- Amelanchier Robin Hill
- Betula jaquemontii ( one of the best white stemmed birches)
- A large collection of different apple varieties
- Fan fruit trees for growing on walls or fences
Our full range of bulbs is now in stock as you look forward to next spring and summer. Highly recommended varieties include:
- Cochicums – these are known as Autumn Flowering Crocus are produce showy flowers in September, followed by fleshy foliage in Spring
- Fritillaria imperialis (Crown Imperial) – unusual spring flowering bulbs with spectacular blooms in orange, red or yellow. These flower well in the Woodside garden and are admired by customers visiting in spring
- Snowdrops (Galanthus) – we have these as a collection pack, or as individual named varieties
- Woodland Collection – a collection of bulbs prepared to enhance woodland and shrubby sections of the garden
- Prepared hyacinths – these are for indoor plantings to flower in the winter. We either have them available as loose bulbs in a range of colours, or as kits complete with a glass jar for planting, which are perfect presents
- Paperwhite Narcissus – these are members of the daffodil family and are for indoor planting in bowls and baskets, where they produce masses of sweetly scented flowers
Garlic and Onions
If vegetables are more your thing, autumn planting onions, shallots and garlic are all now available:
- Onion Autumn Champion – one of the best over-wintering varieties for planting now
- Shallot Jermor – a banana shallot with good flavour and stores well
- Elephant Garlic – a giant garlic suitable for planting now for harvesting next year
We also still have a few packs of winter herb and vegetable plants left – Spring Onions, Chard, Coriander, Parsley, Spinach and Rocket.