It’s Time to Buy Your Vegetable Seeds
Are you dreaming of spring and planning for an abundant summer now that the snowdrops and aconites are brightening up the gloomy days?
It’s time to buy your vegetable seeds and we have a full range in stock, start by sowing leeks and onions now.
Why not try some new vegetable seeds for 2024 such as:
- Watercress
- Aubergine Pin Stripe (very attractive striped fruits and a compact growth habit)
- Spinach Colusa F1 (a smooth leaved spinach with high mildew resistance),
- Turnip Temari Mixed (an attractive mixture of red and white salad turnips),
- Edamame Bean Green Shell (a soya bean variety which is becoming very popular in the UK),
- Tomato Ruby Falls (deep red cocktail tomatoes),
- Tomato Honeymoon (incredible pink fruits and an explosion of flavour),
- Tomato Garnet (rich bronze fruits with good flavour).
Growing vegetables from seed is surprisingly easy, and of course very rewarding, being good for you physically and mentally. We have a good range of useful extras such as seed trays, labels and waterproof pens, and string lines to help get you started.
Green Manures
If you’re thinking about resting part of your vegetable plot (essential as crop rotation allows for nutrients to replenish) then you might want to consider sowing a green manure crop. These are plants that are grown on otherwise fallow land, and are then dug into the ground to increase nutrient content and to improve structure. Some green manures also have the advantage of producing flowers which are beneficial to pollinating insects. We have an improved range of varieties this year for you to choose from:
- Alfalfa
- Buckwheat
- Crimson Clover
- Field Beans
- Grazing Rye
- Mustard
- Phacelia (very pretty blue flowers, loved by bees)
- Trefoil
- White Clover
- Winter Tares
- Winter Mix
- Summer Mix
Sweet Peas
Sweet peas should be sown soon too and we have 28 varieties of sweet pea seeds.
We also have wildflower seeds available and 34 varieties of herb seeds.
Happy dreaming, planning and sowing.